

The Deputy City Clerk is the designated custodian of public records for the City of Archer. All public records requests for any city record(s) must be made to Deanna Alltop, Deputy City Clerk, by phone at 352-495-2880, email: dalltop [at] cityofarcher.com (dalltop[at]cityofarcher[dot]com), or in person at City Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.


All content, images, and photographs are the property of the City of Archer, Florida or the City has received written permission from the artist/photographer for the exclusive use of their medium(s). Any use of such must be with the express written permission of the City Manager. The City's logo, tag line and photographs are the property of the City of Archer and therefore cannot be reproduced or used without the express written permission of the City Manager.


The City seal cannot be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever.


The City of Archer is not responsible for any content, views, opinions, photographs, images or other information contained or listed on or within any websites or Facebook pages that may be linked from the City of Archer's official website or Facebook pages and that are not maintained by the City of Archer. For more information, contact the City Manager's Office.


Email Disclaimer

Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone, in person or in writing.


Links & Outside Content

This website may contain links to other websites. These links are provided solely for your convenience. The City of Archer does not endorse or accept responsibility or any liability for the content of those, external sites. The City of Archer makes every effort to provide links to virus-free files but cannot and does not guarantee uncorrupted files.



Protecting the privacy of our customers and residents is important to us. Any contact information you provide in an information request will be used only to respond to you. We will not divulge any information to third parties without your authorization unless required by law to do so. However, if your personal information is exempt from public record as defined by F.S. Chapter 119.071, it is your responsibility to file an Exemption of Personal Information form with the City.


We may collect information regarding the IP addresses of visitors to our site. This information will be used internally to anticipate demands on our servers and predict site traffic flow. It will not be used to identify individuals and will not be divulged to third parties.

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